NOVAFOODIES @ALIBETOPIAS 2023: innovation in Food Systems event!

On October 26th took place ALIBETOPIAS 2023 in Madrid, a unique event with the latest innovations in the Food and Drink sector. The Spanish Food and Drink Federation, together with the Technological Platform Food for Life Spain and with the collaboration of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, hold this relevant event that shares innovation in the agri-food sector, showing new ideas, projects and results in a participative and collaborative environment.
ALIBETOPIAS is a meeting point to explore new synergies and promote knowledge that will help companies in the agri-food sector to gain size and become more competitive in the international market. In the event’s framework, and under the title of Food Systems: Digital, Healthy and Sustainable, FIAB disseminated the #NOVAFOODIES project, focused on innovative functional food production systems based on sustainable value chain of marine and freshwater raw materials.
Thanks to their place in the exhibitors’ space, FIAB shared the aim NOVAFOODIES of developing novel and competitive products from marine and freshwater resources in this event with more than 300 attendees. The event invited top-level speakers linked to the sector, who shared the latest trends in RDI. It was developed in 3 main thematic blocks with multiple interventions: Technological startups, new models and applications in digitalization and sustainability.