The University of Genoa contributes to the Novafoodies project, through the Department of Earth, Environment and Life Sciences (DISTAV) and the Department of Pharmacy (DIFAR).
The Benthic Ecology Laboratory of DISTAV is working on the implementation of the present monoculture layout of a local aquaculture farm, AquaDeMà, with an Integrated Multi-Trophic aquaculture system.
In the present monoculture layout the cultivated species are sea bream (Sparus aurata) and seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax); the envisaged IMTA system will be run at an experimental level and foresees the co-cultivation of the European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis), the brown seaweed Ericaria amentacea and self-recruited seaweeds.
The main goals are to optimize the experimental IMTA system to obtain as much biomass as possible and evaluate any positive or negative effects of finfish aquaculture practice on bivalve and seaweed growth.
In this context, some preliminary tests have already been run in summer 2023: deployment of Ericaria amentacea juveniles obtained through ex-situ seeding technique, that consists in a preliminary phase of lab culture of the juveniles, starting from the gamete released from fertile portions of the adult seaweeds, followed by in-situ grow-out. The deployment occurred in August 2023 and juveniles were retrieved in early October, showing a growth ten folds higher than juveniles outplanted on the natural rocky shore (where the species usually thrives). These results are extremely promising for the production of biomass for active molecules extraction.
Another important stage led by the University of Genoa is the extraction and valorisation of biomasses obtained from the IMTA system.
The biomasses, after being freeze-dried, will be employed as components of novel aquafeeds. Macroalgae obtained from AquaDeMà, as well as microalgae and invertebrate biomasses produced by other IMTA systems partners of the project, and the extracts hence obtained, will be used to manufacture small scale batches of aquafeed, possibly by extrusion process. Their relevant features, such as floating properties, shelf-life and resistance to degradation in sea water, will be assessed and their acceptability by cultivated fish species will be evaluated.
Freeze-dried algae and example of pelleted aquafeed.
Facilities in the Pharmacy Dept. – University of Genova.
The Department of Pharmacy is also involved in the biosecurity assessment of the biomasses and the extracts, required for the formulation of safe and healthy feed and food products. In particular, the mineral composition will be determined, with special attention to the elements which are toxic even at trace levels (arsenic, cadmium, mercury, lead) and to the elements which are essential from the nutritional point of view (for instance, copper, iron, zinc).
Last, but not least, the UGE team at DISTAV is also in charge of assessing the bioactive properties of the algal biomasses extracts in order to prove their nutritional/cosmetic/pharmaceutical value. This will be pursued by biochemical analyses able to measure the polyphenols, flavonoids, and vitamins content of the algae and their potential antioxidant activity.
Biochemical equipment and lab analyses.
Then, by use of 2D and 3D human intestinal cellular models, specific bioactive properties will be evaluated such as antidiabetic, hypocholesteremic, and hypolipidemic activity will be tested on adipose tissue derived cells.
Cell culture lab and equipment.
Finally, the anti-inflammatory potential will be evaluated by mimicking inflammation processes in cellular models and evaluating the modulation of the gene expression of inflammatory cytokines by molecular analyses.
Molecular biology lab and real-time PCR instrumentation.